Information is the lifeblood of business in today�s increasingly interconnected world. The flow of Information across the physical confines of an enterprise is being driven by technological developments resulting in "true mobility" for its stakeholders. Businesses embracing this idea are reinventing themselves as boundaryless organizations, where access and interaction can be instant.
With MySAP� technology, SAP offers a technical infrastructure for operating mobile business applications in such organizations. This technology makes it possible for organization members to work together while being spatially and temporally apart.
For instance, salespeople can co-locate with their clients even as they access sales databases and communicate with their distant colleagues to accomplish their tasks. Others can isolate themselves in their homes or tele-centers to provide undivided attention to the completion of a task even as they remain connected with their work world through electronic means. Still others can work even as they travel.
With SAP mobile technology, anyone in an enterprise can access any data at any moment of time as per requirements. The range of applications offered by the mySAP mobile business enables an organization to meet its business goals effectively. A mobile device can be connected to various applications of the enterprise systems such as production and warehouse applications, time and attendance management, asset management and sales etc. Empowering employees with access to vital corporate information anytime, anywhere, anyhow, can bring incredible competitive advantages through a better-informed workforce. Employees can make better decisions simply because they are accessing precise data.
To fulfil these requirements, SAP has invented a modern technology. It has been named as mySAP� Mobile Business. The more common name is Mobile computing or Pervasive computing. The technology facilitates mobile workers by integrating mobile device connectivity with the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems Mobile connectivity increases customer responsiveness through quick and easy access to integrated and up-to-date information.
Mobile Devices For Mobile Applications
There is a broad range of available mobile devices due to recent growth in mobile computing. Analysts predict that the wireless market in 2002 will be comprised of 9.5 million wireless devices.
MySAP� Mobile Business can be integrated with the Laptops, PDAs, pocket PCs and wireless phones. The Mobile business provides greater integration and supports between these devices in any location.
In this 7 article tutorial we will cover subjects such as:
- Architecture
- Features and Benefits
- Technical Specifications
- New Functionality
- Upgrade Path